A minimum net worth of $500,000 Canadian Dollars (CAD) that can be verified.
Accumulation of net worth through legal means, which can be verified.
Minimum three years entrepreneurial or relevant business management experience.
Intent to reside and actively invest in Saskatchewan, which is evaluated using the Intent Grading Grid.
If you are approved for nomination by the SINP – Entrepreneur Category, you will be required to:
Invest a minimum of $300,000 (CAD) in Regina and Saskatoon or a minimum of $200,000 (CAD) in all other saskatchewan communities; If you own less than 1/3 of the business, then your total investment must be worth at least $1 million CAD;.
Be involved in the day-to-day management of your business; and
Make a $75,000 Good Faith Deposit. If you meet certain conditions, you may apply for your good faith deposit to be returned.
Farm Owners / Operators
To be considered for the Farm Owner/Operator category you must meet all of the following four criteria:
Available Equity – you must provide financial documents showing a net worth of $500,000 Canadian Dollars (CAD).
Refundable Cash Deposit – you must sign a performance agreement committing to purchase a farm operation in saskatchewan and make a “good faith” deposit of $75,000 CAD in trust. The cash deposit will be returned to you when the terms of the performance agreement are met. The deposit will be forfeited to the province if the terms are not met within two years of landing in saskatchewan.
Mandatory visit to saskatchewan – you must have conduct a comprehensive exploratory visit to saskatchewan of no less than five working days and must meet with an SINP representative.
Farm operation knowledge and experience – you must provide documentation (e.g. education and training, work experience, financial documents of their previous operations) that demonstrates that you are a knowledgeable farm operator. If necessary, we may further verify this information through an interview when you are in saskatchewan.
The farm owner/operator category is restricted to proprietary businesses that include primary agricultural production. Agri-business operations may qualify under the Entrepreneur category of the SINP.
Young Farmer Stream of the Farm Owner/Operator Category
Application Criteria:
Have a minimum personal net worth of $300,000 CAD, which is verifiable to 80% certainty.
Verifiable legal accumulation of funds to 80% certainty.
At the time of your application you must be under age 40
You must have a minimum of three years farm ownership, farm management or practical farming experience.
You must provide a documented proposal for a commercial saskatchewan farming opportunity based on research, consultations or formal coursework relevant to saskatchewan agricultural conditions. Hobby Farms are not eligible. The farming proposal must be a commercial venture undertaken with a reasonable expectation of profit. In Saskatchewan, a qualified farming business must have a minimum of $10,000 CAD annual revenue.
You or your spouse must have marketable employment skills, based on education and experience that allows you to supplement your farming income.
Nomination Requirements:
Before submitting your application you must have conducted an exploratory visit to saskatchewan that lasted at least five days.
You must have practical farming experience with skills that are relevant to saskatchewan farming conditions.
You must make a minimum equity investment of $150,000 CAD in a new or existing farming operation in saskatchewan comprised of either capital assets (land, machinery) or working capital.
Need more information about Saskatchewan Entrepreneur and Farm Owner/Operator Program?
As Canadian immigration specialists, ICS is committed to ensuring that you obtain the best canadian visa or immigration service for your requirements. You can set your application in motion today by submitting our Initial Consultation Form to schedule your consultation with one of our immigration attorneys.
After we assess your qualifications, you will be informed if you qualify. If you would qualify to apply for a permanent resident visa as a Saskatchewan Business Immigrant, we open your file and proceed with the processing of your application for permanent resident visa.
Please note that ICS will not share your personal information with any other third party, any information submitted to us will only be used to assess your visa eligibility.
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Saskatchewan business immigration program
Nomination Criteria
Invest a minimum of $300,000 (CAD) in Regina and Saskatoon or a minimum of $200,000 (CAD) in all other saskatchewan communities; If you own less than 1/3 of the business, then your total investment must be worth at least $1 million CAD;.
Make a $75,000 Good Faith Deposit. If you meet certain conditions, you may apply for your good faith deposit to be returned.
Farm Owners / Operators
To be considered for the Farm Owner/Operator category you must meet all of the following four criteria:
Refundable Cash Deposit – you must sign a performance agreement committing to purchase a farm operation in saskatchewan and make a “good faith” deposit of $75,000 CAD in trust. The cash deposit will be returned to you when the terms of the performance agreement are met. The deposit will be forfeited to the province if the terms are not met within two years of landing in saskatchewan.
Mandatory visit to saskatchewan – you must have conduct a comprehensive exploratory visit to saskatchewan of no less than five working days and must meet with an SINP representative.
Farm operation knowledge and experience – you must provide documentation (e.g. education and training, work experience, financial documents of their previous operations) that demonstrates that you are a knowledgeable farm operator. If necessary, we may further verify this information through an interview when you are in saskatchewan.
The farm owner/operator category is restricted to proprietary businesses that include primary agricultural production. Agri-business operations may qualify under the Entrepreneur category of the SINP.
Young Farmer Stream of the Farm Owner/Operator Category
Application Criteria:
You must provide a documented proposal for a commercial saskatchewan farming opportunity based on research, consultations or formal coursework relevant to saskatchewan agricultural conditions. Hobby Farms are not eligible. The farming proposal must be a commercial venture undertaken with a reasonable expectation of profit. In Saskatchewan, a qualified farming business must have a minimum of $10,000 CAD annual revenue.
You or your spouse must have marketable employment skills, based on education and experience that allows you to supplement your farming income.
Nomination Requirements:
Before submitting your application you must have conducted an exploratory visit to saskatchewan that lasted at least five days.
You must have practical farming experience with skills that are relevant to saskatchewan farming conditions.
You must make a minimum equity investment of $150,000 CAD in a new or existing farming operation in saskatchewan comprised of either capital assets (land, machinery) or working capital.
Need more information about Saskatchewan Entrepreneur and Farm Owner/Operator Program?
As Canadian immigration specialists, ICS is committed to ensuring that you obtain the best canadian visa or immigration service for your requirements. You can set your application in motion today by submitting our Initial Consultation Form to schedule your consultation with one of our immigration attorneys.
After we assess your qualifications, you will be informed if you qualify. If you would qualify to apply for a permanent resident visa as a Saskatchewan Business Immigrant, we open your file and proceed with the processing of your application for permanent resident visa.